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Impact Story
Lenovo: Transcending the cycle
Impact Story

Lenovo: Transcending the cycle

Lenovo’s transformative journey

In the bustling corridors of Lenovo’s headquarters, a quiet revolution is unfolding. A revolution not of products, but of people—leaders who are steering the company through a transformative journey from a PC-centric organization to a customer-centric, service-led global powerhouse. This journey is marked by its commitment to talent development and executive education, which has played a pivotal role in enabling Lenovo’s ongoing transformation.


Partnership with IMD

To embrace the changes, Lenovo sought a partnership with an academic institution that could provide both theoretical rigor and practical application. IMD emerged as the ideal partner as its ability to identify challenges and commitment to tailoring flexible custom programs was widely recognized. IMD’s professors, with their capacity of understanding of Lenovo’s business within a broader corporate landscape, played a crucial role in this partnership. After discussions with several business schools, Lenovo chose to partner with IMD.

As Lenovo’s leaders continue to harness the power of executive education, their journey of transformation remains an ongoing and dynamic narrative. With each passing year, they persistently strive to push the boundaries of innovation, customer-centricity, and leadership excellence. Lenovo’s commitment to talent development, epitomized by its partnership with IMD, underscores its unwavering dedication to staying ahead in an ever-evolving technological landscape.

The future promises to be a thrilling chapter in Lenovo’s story, as its leaders navigate uncharted territories, adapt to changing customer needs, and drive breakthrough innovations. The echoes of their commitment, entrepreneurial spirit, and relentless pursuit of excellence will continue to resonate within Lenovo’s corridors, propelling the company towards even greater heights. As Lenovo evolves from a hardware-focused giant into a true solutions provider, this transformational journey stands as a testament to the enduring power of leadership, learning, and the pursuit of a brighter tomorrow.

Gao Lan, Chief Human Resources Officer
Lee Hwang Jann, Global Head Learning and Development
 - IMD Business School

“Lenovo has not been an easy client to work with, but that’s for good reasons. They push me, my colleagues and the participants to both pull them into the future, and also be practical. The evolution I’ve observed since 2016, and the daring of the new strategy and organization, is exciting to me, and we feel energized by the challenges that the Lenovo executives are bringing to us in the new programs.”

Jim Pulcrano IMD Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management, Program Director