IMD business school for management and leadership courses
Cutting our energy consumption
Our Campus Services team, who carefully monitor electricity consumption on campus, has implemented several measures to improve our campus facilities’ carbon footprint. More renewable energy is being used to provide power on campus to reduce our reliance on non-renewable energy. A project to install solar panels on our Lausanne campus buildings’ roofs was approved in 2023, and construction will commence in 2024.
We continued installing a fully automated lighting system across campus during this period, which includes motion detectors that automatically turn off lights in unused rooms. Further, low-consumption LED lights have been installed in more campus buildings. The move to an automated LED lighting system is more energy efficient and will help reduce our carbon footprint further.
Our facilities’ standard heating temperature has been lowered, enabling us to reduce our carbon footprint. Further, by using more energy-efficient IT equipment, we have managed to reduce the operation hours of the heating and ventilation system.
We completed the transition from gas to district heating for one of our campus buildings in 2023, providing 100 percent renewable and recovered heating. The Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center, IMD’s newest building on campus, is heated and cooled geothermally using water from Lake Geneva. This design sets an environmental standard for future facility projects.
Gas consumption
(kWh in millions)
Electricity consumption
(kWh in millions)