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China Company Transformation Indicator

Food and Beverage Industry 2024

China Company Transformation Indicator

Food and Beverage Industry 2024

Food and Beverage - IMD Business School
Leading food and beverage companies in China confronted by challenges of demographic change and health-conscious consumers

China’s food and beverage sector, one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing, was previously driven by a growing middle class, rising disposable income, and urbanization. However, these drivers have shifted towards changing appetites, lifestyles, and health concerns among young and middle-aged consumers.

The 2024 IMD China Company Transformation Indicator (CCTI) reveals that top-ranking companies in the food and beverage sector excel in Early Innovation. Companies quick to respond to changing consumer behavior can adjust their product pipeline to meet new demands and secure market share. Coca-Cola, ranked top in the 2024 CCTI, has succeeded in China by providing flavors catering to the Chinese palate.

The Chinese food and beverage sector is characterized by fierce competition and changing tastes. The leading companies perform well across various factors, from R&D and innovation to China Policy Power and Customer Engagement. Success requires a deep understanding of local tastes, commitment to quality, and continuous innovation.

Food and Beverage companies ranking 2024
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