Alumni Stories · General Management

“The learning has made a huge difference”

Interview with Bader Al-Attar on his experience in IMD’s Advanced Management Program
April 2019

IMD recently caught up with Bader Al-Attar, Manager, Planning at Kuwait Oil Company, to discuss his experience in IMD’s Advanced Management Program (AMP). The program is designed to empower executives and their teams to think broader and implement new ideas beyond conventional solutions.

IMD: Why did you decide to undertake a program at IMD?

Bader Al-Attar: “For three main reasons really:

  • I previously completed an IMD executive program and found it very beneficial both at the technical as well as personal levels.
  • I completed an Advanced Management Program elsewhere and was intrigued by IMD’s approach, which seemed very different than the one I participated in before.
  • I am at an advanced level in my career and I felt I needed to review my skill set as well as to learn more about myself as a leader.

In general, the program seemed like a good way to review where I was at in life’s journey.

IMD: What was the experience like for you overall?

Bader Al-Attar: It was remarkable. The first week was an update on a range of business topics that I felt was much needed. The second week was very equally impressive, as everyone started a process of self-reflection and re-consideration of the narrative of our lives. The third week was packed with fun and we gained experience carrying ourselves in front of audiences.

I loved every bit of it. I especially appreciated interacting with the other participants who were very friendly, generous, and trusting in sharing their own learnings and experiences.

The faculty were extremely knowledgeable and fun to listen to. Additional features such as sports classes and learning how to stand, walk, and present ourselves in front of crowds were also valuable. The facilitators were very helpful, friendly, and helped us connect in a meaningful way. They organized smaller groups of participants, which was carefully designed to spark constructive discussions.

I have a great deal of respect for IMD based on both of my outstanding experiences with the school. I previously completed Mobilizing People (MP) with Professor Ben Bryant who led the program at the time.

IMD: What were your key learnings?

Bader Al-Attar: At the technical level, I thought it was an excellent review of what we had learned through our previous education and experience. But what was new and refreshing about AMP was how it taught us to use different technical tools and frameworks in a collective way to address our own challenges. The program requires you to bring a real-life challenge that you face so you can come up with an innovative approach to tackle it.

At the personal level, I now have a clear narrative of my life that I can reflect on from time to time and am proud to share my learnings about my career and life with others.

I have also witnessed fellow participants’ challenges and was able to reflect upon similarities and differences to mine to extract lessons.

During my first IMD program (MP), I learned how far I was from where I needed to be.  At AMP, IMD provided another opportunity to asses where I am.  The difference is that this time around I realized how close I am to where I want to be and how much I had grown since MP, both professionally and personally.

IMD: How have you been able to implement the learnings after the program?

Bader Al-Attar: I have been able to reflect on my learnings and observations and to close some of the gaps that I felt needed attention.

It has made an impact on my family and I am implementing changes at work.

I intend to discuss my whole challenge with my team and then to carry out its implementation.

The learning has made a huge difference thanks to IMD.

Find out more about IMD’s Advanced Management Program (AMP)