IMD business school for management and leadership courses

 - IMD Business School  - IMD Business School  - IMD Business School

Our origins

We were founded by business executives for business executives,  just after the Second World War. Our founders recognized that good business leaders were essential to a prosperous and peaceful society. Today, we are the trusted learning partner of choice for individuals and organizations worldwide.

  • 1946


    CEI – Centre d’Etudes Industrielles is established by Alcan Aluminium, Limited (now Rio Tinto Alcan, Inc) in Geneva.
  • 1956


    Institut pour l’Etude des Methodes de Direction de L’Entreprise is established in Lausanne by Nestlé, with the participation of professors from Harvard Business School.

  • 1972


    IMD’s world-class MBA program is launched.

  • 1981


    CEI officially becomes IMI – International Management Institute and would function under this name until 1989.

  • 1989


    Ranking the nations of the world in terms of economic outputs, IMD publishes the first World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY).