IMD business school for management and leadership courses

Welcome to the IMD Alumni Club of Brazil

Our mission is to:


  • Establish, maintain and strengthen the relationship among IMEDE, IMI and IMD Alumni in our geographical area;
  • Encourage continuous learning and an exchange of ideas and experience in management and international business through professional and social events;
  • Facilitate contacts between alumni on the local as well as international level, and to establish, maintain and strengthen the relationship to IMD.
The Alumni Club of Brazil
  • Upcoming Events
  • Past Events
  •  - IMD Business School

    The IMD Alumni Club of Brazil does not have an annual membership fee. To cover costs, our events are either fee-based events or corporately sponsored.

    How to be informed about our activities, events and news?

    • If you have already been receiving our emailings, there is no need for further action.
    • If you are not receiving our emailings, you will need to register as a member of our Club (free of charge). Please visit the Club Memberships page to join us. You may also send us an email to sign up.

    All IMD Alumni worldwide are eligible to become a member of our Club.

    Please make sure that IMD has a valid email address for you on file. Please visit MyProfile.