Annual Report 2021


Cementing its position as a global leader in rigorous and actionable thought leadership, IMD’s academic and practitioner article output increased across the board in 2021, with articles in FT50 journals increasing to 20, a record high.

IMD faculty and research fellows covered a diverse range of topics, from sustainability, strategy and inclusion to family business, supply chain and ethics.

The resonance, relevance and impact of this work was further underlined as “The Future of Team Leadership is Multimodal” by Robert Hooijberg and Michael Watkins became the most popular article for the MIT Sloan Management Review in 2021. Faced with the prospect of a hybrid post-pandemic workforce, Hooijberg and Watkins urged leaders to develop new skills and roles to succeed in the future.

Hybrid work has fundamentally changed how leaders need to lead. In 'The Future of Team Leadership is Multi-modal', we explain why and provide actionable insights and clear guidelines for leaders at all levels. The actionable insights indicated what leadership approach to use in what modality (virtual versus in-person) and in what context (one-on-one, team, and external). At a time when so many are struggling to keep their people focused and engaged, the article provided welcome clarity.
Professor of Organizational Behavior Robert Hooijberg and Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change Michael Watkins

Family business and entrepreneurship expert Alfredo D'Massis authored or co-authored six FT50 articles, while work led by Mark Greeven on Chinese retail and microservices featured in the Harvard Business Review and the MIT Sloan Management Review.

Here are three examples of IMD faculty’s insightful FT50 articles

Leading in hybrid times

Leading in hybrid times

Robert Hooijberg and Michael Watkins struck a chord with audiences all over the world with their FT50 article on the future of leadership in a hybrid world. “The Future of Team Leadership is Multi-modal” became the most read article on the MIT Sloan Management Review website in 2021.

Stop sabotaging innovation

Stop sabotaging innovation

Cyril Bouquet, Jean-Louis Barsoux and Michael Wade – the co-authors of ALIEN Thinking: The Unconventional Path to Breakthrough Ideas – explored ways to conquer the psychological barriers to innovation in their Harvard Business Review article “Stop Sabotaging Your Ability to Innovate”.

Go micro and modular

Go micro and modular

In their MIT Sloan Management Review article “Why Companies Must Embrace Microservices and Modular Thinking”, Mark Greeven, Howard Yu and Jialu Shan explained how organizations can reduce complexity by embracing modular setups enabled by microservices.