Annual Report 2021


IMD faculty published eight books in 2021, up from five in the previous year, as a new strategic partnership with publisher Routledge gained momentum and faculty explored themes such as customer centricity, leadership and competitiveness.

CEO Today magazine selected “Resetting Management” by Stéphane Girod and Martin Králik among its top 10 books to help CEOs thrive in the new world of work, and “Family Philanthropy Navigator” by Peter Vogel, Etienne Eichenberger and Malgorzata Kurak, published in 2020, won silver in the 2021 Axiom Business Book Awards.

The Right Place

The Right Place: How National Competitiveness Makes or Breaks Companies

Arturo Bris

“Enormously ambitious, wide-ranging and filled with insights. A marvellous and impressive book that makes you re-think how and why businesses thrive (and fail).”

Peter Frankopan, Professor of Global History, Oxford University

The Future of Global Retail

The Future of Global Retail: Learning from China’s Retail Revolution

Winter Nie, Mark Greeven, Yunfei Fang and James Wang

“In my 30 years of living and working in China, this is the first book that I have read that fully articulates and analyses the history and key players involved in the e-commerce revolution in China. It is a must-read for anyone or any company that wants to enter the China retail market or to learn about global e-commerce trends.”

Mei-Wei Cheng, former Chairman and CEO of GE (China) and Ford Motor (China), former President and CEO of Siemens China

Hacking Digital

Hacking Digital: Best Practices to Implement and Accelerate Your Business Transformation

Michael Wade, Didier Bonnet, Tomoko Yokoi and Nikolaus Obwegeser

“Hacking Digital, with its wealth of practical advice, will help you to develop the hacking mindset required to speed up your digital transformation and overcome the traditional challenges that you will invariably face in these complex journeys.”

Eric Chaniot, General Manager, Cross Industry Solutions, Microsoft

Resetting Management

Resetting Management: Thrive with Agility in the Age of Uncertainty

Stéphane Girod and Martin Králik
(Kogan Page)

“This is the most comprehensive guide to business agility available, full of deep insights into the challenges and tensions involved, and with practical take-aways for leaders and managers everywhere.”

Julian Birkinshaw, Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School

ALIEN Thinking

ALIEN Thinking: The Unconventional Path to Breakthrough Ideas

Cyril Bouquet, Jean-Louis Barsoux and Michael Wade
(Public Affairs)

“Apply ALIEN Thinking to go from early opportunity recognition to impactful innovation. I really enjoyed how this book offers compelling insights and powerful illustrations to enhance the innovation process.”

Alex Osterwalder, best-selling author of “Business Model Generation”

The Customer Copernicus

The Customer Copernicus: How to be Customer-Led

Charlie Dawson and Seán Meehan

“For those who want to turn the prevailing ‘inside-out’ view in companies to ‘outside-in’ and ensure long-term success.”

Paul Polman, co-founder Imagine and former CEO Unilever

Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship

Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship

Jean-Pierre Jeannet, Thierry Volery, Heiko Bergmann and Cornelia Amstutz

“This is a remarkable book. It does a masterful job of telling and reflecting about the stories of closely held companies that have had a lasting impact in their industries and their wider social context.”

Thomas Zellweger, Professor of Management, University of St. Gallen

Cities in a Time of Global Emergencies

Cities in a Time of Global Emergencies

Edited by Arturo Bris, Christos Cabolis, Chan Heng Chee and Bruno Lanvin

“This second book in the IMD/SUTD series of smart city case studies offers a timely opportunity to assess how the strategies and approaches pursued by smart cities have been perceived by the populations involved.”

Professor Chan Heng Chee, Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Dr Bruno Lanvin, President, IMD-World Competitiveness Center Smart City Observatory