How to use (and not use) AI during the course of the MBA Program


How to use (and not use) AI during the course of the MBA Program


Our goal of the MBA Program is to help you develop your critical thinking abilities. At the same time, we acknowledge that AI is a powerful tool that can help you in your learning journey but should not serve as a substitute for it. As such, the following policy is meant to guide the use of AI during the course of the MBA Program:


  1. Do comply with any course specific AI guidelines.
  2. Do Leverage AI for Collaboration: In group projects, use AI as a tool to enhance collaboration. For example, AI can help in scheduling, task allocation, or even in brainstorming sessions by providing data-driven insights.
  3. Do Use AI for Proofreading and Editing : Utilize AI tools for grammar checks, sentence structure improvements, and ensuring clarity in your writing. This can help polish your assignments to a professional standard.
  4. Do use AI for background research, unless prohibited for by the faculty of the course. AI can be used to provide background context to assignments and organize your ideas, but always being mindful of Points 2, 5 and 6 under Do Not’s set out below
  5. Do Cite AI Sources: If you use AI for assistance in your research or to generate content, always cite it as a source. This maintains academic integrity and transparency. For in-text citations, use the company name and the year accessed, separated by a comma and set between parentheses. Because AI-generated text cannot be retrieved by other people, it’s best to include a transcript in the appendices of the paper.

For example: OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (May 24 version) [Large language model].

Do Not’s:

  1. Do Not Use AI to Plagiarize: Never pass off AI-generated content as your own original work. This is a form of plagiarism and undermines the learning process.
  2. Do Not Use AI to answer assignment questions or data/case analyses unless specifically authorized by the faculty: The primary goal throughout the MBA program is to develop and showcase your own critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  3. Do Not Substitute AI for Learning Fundamental Concepts: While AI can assist in understanding complex concepts, ensure that you have a solid grasp of the fundamental theories and principles taught in your courses.
  4. Do Not Overlook Copyright Laws: Do not cut and paste or upload copyrighted material (articles, cases including exhibits, etc.) into any AI.
  5. Do Not Assume All Generative AI Results are Accurate: Generative AI is not correct, it is just (and only sometimes) probably (i.e., probabilistically) correct. Mind the important difference and always verify your results with other sources.
  6. Do Not Over-Trust or Over-Depend on AI: Tools such as ChatGPT are known to have blind spots, inherent biases and generate hallucinations. Always take a critical perspective while you are assessing the output generated by AI.