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From conflict to consensus: Mastering challenging conversations

General management programs | Masterclass
When 10 September 2024 at 12:00 (CEST)
Where Online
Duration 1 hour 15 minutes

An IMD masterclass on how to navigate difficult conversations.

Join us for an engaging and interactive session designed to enhance your communication skills and foster a more collaborative and productive workplace.

Effective leadership hinges on the ability to handle challenging conversations with confidence and clarity. In this masterclass, you will be taken through the art, science, and practice of challenging conversations. Whether it’s delivering tough feedback, advocating for your own needs at work, or addressing team conflicts, we will discuss how to approach these situations with empathy and effectiveness.

The masterclass, led by Alyson Meister, Professor of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, will guide you through the nuances of challenging conversations. Professor Meister is also Director of our Future Leaders program.

Here’s a snapshot of the insights this masterclass will uncover:

  • Understand the underlying principles and psychological dynamics involved in challenging conversations.
  • Receive practical advice and discuss real-life scenarios that highlight what helps and what hinders the success of a challenging conversation.
  • Discuss and apply practical and frameworks to effectively navigate challenging conversations, transforming potential roadblocks into opportunities for growth and collaboration.

Following your masterclass, you will have the chance to engage directly with our Program Advisors. They will provide:


  • 12:00 – 12:45: General management masterclass “From conflict to consensus: Mastering challenging conversations” with Alyson Meister.
  • 12:45 – 13:15: Introduction to our general management programs with our Program Advisors, followed by a Q&A.

Please note, this event will not be recorded. This is a unique opportunity to experience the IMD learning journey live. 

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Register for this event

After submitting your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your online masterclass. A reminder will be sent to you before the event.

We look forward to meeting you online and answering any questions you may have.