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Circular business models: From idea to action

Sustainability programs | Masterclass
When 10 October 2024 at 12:00 (CEST)
Where Online
Duration 1 hour 15 minutes

Transformative sustainability: An IMD masterclass on actioning circular business models

Experience learning at IMD firsthand by immersing yourself in the intriguing world of circular business models during our masterclass. This engaging session promises to equip you with practical strategies and insights, ready for direct application to your own business context.

In the face of pressing environmental problems, the circular economy has emerged as a model for the next generation of economic value creation. Yet, realizing circularity is challenging. Novel, disruptive circular business models require radical organizational change, which is why aligning circular business models with a company’s core capabilities and resources is one of the most important strategic tasks. In this session, led by Julia Binder, IMD Professor of Sustainable Innovation and Business Transformation, we will explore different archetypes of circular business models and discuss how to move from idea to action.

Here’s what you can expect from your masterclass:

  • Deepen your understanding of the circular economy and its role in addressing pressing environmental problems.
  • Explore the challenges and barriers to transitioning to circular business models, learning how to identify and analyze them effectively.
  • Dive into different circular business model archetypes, assessing their relevance for your own business.
  • Gain an insight into IMD’s innovative, real-world approach to circular economy and sustainable business transformation.

Following your masterclass, you will have the chance to engage directly with our Program Advisors. They will provide:

  • A comprehensive overview of IMD’s sustainability program portfolio.
  • Insight on how our programs can align with your professional aspirations.
  • Answers to all your questions about our sustainability programs and more.


  • 12:00 – 12:45: Sustainability masterclass “Circular business models: From idea to action” with Professor Julia Binder.
  • 12:45 – 13:15: Introduction to IMD sustainability programs with our Program Advisors, followed by a Q&A.

Please note, this event will not be recorded. This is a unique opportunity to experience the IMD learning journey live.

Discover our unique sustainability program portfolio
Enjoy a taste of an IMD learning experience
Interact and ask questions about these programs
Discuss your learning needs and professional challenges
Find the program that’s right for you
Register for this event

After submitting your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of your online masterclass. A reminder will be sent to you before the event.

We look forward to meeting you online and answering any questions you may have.