liVe virtual program
The First 90 Days®

Accelerate your leadership transition

liVe virtual program

The First 90 Days®

Accelerate your leadership transition

liVe Virtual

3 half days, plus individual coaching

CHF 3,900
Next program starts
06 May 2025

Get up to speed faster and smarter in your new role

Transitions are vulnerable times. When you’re a leader taking on a new role, your early actions have a decisive impact on your success or failure. In addition, transitioning today can be even more complex given the new possibilities of working virtually. How will you use the critical first 90 days in your new position to shape your future success?

Embark on The First 90 Days® interactive journey, pioneered by renowned leadership transitions expert and best-selling author Michael Watkins. By using a proven framework, reinforced through peer-to-peer and individual coaching, you will make a thorough diagnosis of your challenges and opportunities and create a detailed action plan for your next 90 days.

Set yourself up for success in your new role without leaving your office.

Assess the situation

Diagnose the situation in your new role, including the business challenges, your new team, the culture, and the stakeholder environment.

Define your goals

Define your strategic direction and plan how to align expectations, reshape your team, create alliances, and secure “early wins”.

Build your roadmap

Create a roadmap to navigate this critical, challenging time and implement your transition strategy for success in your new role.

 - IMD Business School
You and your class

You are an executive transitioning into a new leadership role – whether at a different organization, a more senior position, or taking over a new team. You want to build momentum and make a strong impact during this pivotal career phase.

You can take this program before officially starting your new job or within the first four months in your new role.

2024 class profile (average data)


years of experience


senior & C-level


average age



 - IMD Business School  - IMD Business School  - IMD Business School
Information Session
Join us on 6 May 2025

Interested in an IMD leadership program? Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your questions answered by our Program Advisors at 09:00 (CEST).

Information Session

Join us on 6 May 2025

Interested in an IMD leadership program? Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your questions answered by our Program Advisors at 09:00 (CEST).

Experience the program
Discover the program highlights – Pave your way to success in your new role
5 key questions to ask yourself before you start a new role and once you have started
The “First 90 Days” with IMD President David Bach and Michael Watkins
What our participants say about the program
The First 90 Days participant Balaji Iyer - IMD Business School
Balaji Iyer

Head of Sales – Consumer Business, Bajaj Electricals Ltd, India

Extremely useful and effective
I found the First 90 Days program to be extremely useful and effective for my transition into the new role. It helped me set the right priorities for the team and for the business, and work seamlessly across the value chain with all key stakeholders. The transition frameworks taught by Professor Watkins and the one-on-one coaching sessions made the learning even more enriching and impactful.
The First 90 Days participant Sergio Cantoreggi - IMD Business School
Sergio Cantoreggi

Chief Scientific Officer, Sintetica S.A., Switzerland

It provided the perfect framework

After a very long tenure in a highly respected organization, I transitioned to a smaller player in a similar role and really wanted to provide value as quickly as possible while avoiding coming in with “the” answers and acting impulsively. The First 90 Days program provided the perfect framework for a structured, well-thought, and highly effective approach to make it happen. I had a very successful start in the new role and, after 18 months, I continue to benefit from it.

 - IMD Business School
Farooq Ahmed Shaikh

CEO, Logipoint, Saudi Arabia

I highly recommend this program

I highly recommend this program to those who are taking over positions as new leaders. Michael Watkins takes you through a step-by-step process of creating first impressions, working with new teams, and securing early wins.

 - IMD Business School
Guido Caniglia

Scientific Director, Leuphana Universitat Lüneburg, Germany

Very effective and insightful

The First 90 Days® featured unique short assignments, where we were able to discuss our specific situations. This, combined with the overall approach of teamwork and discussions, was very effective and insightful. Michael Watkins offers an exemplary instructional style: clear, open and receptive.

 - IMD Business School
Carlo Carrescia

Global HR VP Cooling Business, Schneider Electric, Italy

A state-of-the-art process

A new role is a challenge that needs to be well prepared in advance. To be successful, it’s critical to have a sound process and be aware of the traps all along the journey. The First 90 Days® approach offers a state-of-the-art process to succeed in a new role.

 - IMD Business School

This is a complete, compact, efficient learning journey to accelerate your transition to business leadership. We give you a proven framework, based on work with thousands of leaders taking new roles. You design the plan which delivers the results you want.

Read more

Michael Watkins Program Director
Next start & Fee

Length: 3 half-days, plus individual coaching.

6 May – 8 May 2025
liVe Virtual
3 days
CHF 3,900
16 Sep – 18 Sep 2025
liVe Virtual
3 days
CHF 3,900
9 Dec – 11 Dec 2025
liVe Virtual
3 days
CHF 3,900