Peter Killing
Professor Emeritus of Strategy
Peter Killing is Professor Emeritus of Strategy.
His teaching, research, and consulting activities focus on leaders at many levels in the organization working with their teams to create the right strategy for their business, and to build the teams needed to deliver that strategy.
Many of these underlying concepts are captured in the book Must-Win Battles: How to Win Them, Again and Again, that he co-wrote with Tom Malnight and Tracey Keys.
For each of the 15 years he was based in Switzerland, Peter was ranked one of the top teachers at IMD. He holds a PhD from the University of Western Ontario.
A la recherche de relais de croissance, le géant suisse de l'alimentation a entrepris de revoir toutes ses activités à l'aune de la nutrition et de la santé, deux secteurs en plein boom.