On campus program
Leading your Family Office

Govern and transfer your wealth

On campus program

Leading your Family Office

Govern and transfer your wealth


Lausanne or Singapore

3.5 days

CHF 12,400 / SGD 17,500

Next program starts

26 November 2024

What is the best structure for your family wealth management?

Are you looking to identify the right structure and best practices for your Single Family Office?

Leading your Family Office is a unique program dedicated to the management of your family’s private wealth. It helps you determine the best and most appropriate structure and governance model to set up, govern and preserve your own Single Family Office.

Whether you are preparing for a full or partial sale of a business, going through a liquidity event, or planning for a comprehensive, multi‑generational wealth management structure, this program will support you.

Adapted structure

Learn how to make informed and educated choices regarding the structure and objective of your Single Family Office.

Sustainable platform

Create a sustainable platform to preserve and transfer your family wealth, values and heritage to future generations.

Long term objectives

Build family unity and develop long-term objectives for the family, the wealth and the business assets.

 - IMD Business School
You and your class

You are a family of wealth, considering setting up, or in the process of setting up a Single Family Office. You want to identify the best practices for your Single Family Office. The program is exclusively open to family members. To take away the best learning, we recommend you come as a family team.

Your class will comprise a carefully selected group of families of wealth who share similar issues to yours. With IMD’s rich expertise of over 30 years working with families of wealth, you will benefit from the most impactful learning both individually and as a group. Read more about the admission criteria.









 - IMD Business School  - IMD Business School  - IMD Business School
Information Session
10 September 2024

Interested in an IMD  family business program in Singapore? Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your questions answered by our Program Advisors at 16:00 (SGT).

Information Session

10 September 2024

Interested in an IMD  family business program in Singapore? Don’t miss this opportunity to get all your questions answered by our Program Advisors at 16:00 (SGT).

The learning is superbly balanced with theory and practical cases, always highlighting the main message and staying on track.

Thomas Schmuckli Chairman and Family Member of Bossard’s 7th Generation, Bossard Group, Switzerland
Experience the program
Families are made to endure, your family’s wealth should too – Discover the program highlights.
 - IMD Business School

This unique program is dedicated to you as the owner, future owner or principal of a Single Family Office. Throughout the program you and your family members will learn, benchmark and share best practices in the management of your private family wealth.

Read more

Peter Vogel Program Director
Next start & fee

Length: 3.5 days on campus

26 Nov – 29 Nov 2024
3.5 days
SGD 17,500
3 Jun – 6 Jun 2025
3.5 days
CHF 12,400