IMD business school for management and leadership courses

  • 1971

    Luigi Dusmet puts together the key elements of the proposed MBA at IMEDE.

  • 1972

    First cohort starts at IMEDE in Lausanne. There are 28 course participants; 16 nationalities but only one woman. Initially it is called the Program for Junior Executives (PJE), as the MBA was not a recognized award in Switzerland at the time.

  • 1974

    The PJE is accredited by the University of Lausanne as a Masters in Business Administration degree. Approval is given for first two graduating cohorts to have their PJE degree recognized as an MBA.

  • 1977

    CEI approves its planned upgrade of its International Management Development Program (IMDP) and classification as an MBA.

  • 1978

    First MBA intake at CEI in Geneva.

  • 1979

    IMEDE begins modular approach to the MBA. There is a focus on business issues and a cross-functional understanding. There are eight modules, each concluding with group integrative exercise and presentation.

  • 1980

    At IMEDE, the first International Consulting Project participants start work at their client companies.

  • 1981

    The Centre d’Etudes Industrielles (CEI) changes its name to International Management Institute (IMI). It remains at its Geneva campus.

  • 1988

    There is a marked increase in the number of female course participants at IMEDE, with 12 out of the cohort of 67.

  • 1990

    IMI and IMEDE merge to form the International Institute for Management Development IMD. The Lausanne campus is chosen as the site.

  • 1999

    IMD begins the Personal Development Elective (PDE) for MBA course participants. Jungian counsellors are available for MBA course participants. A one-hour, weekly session is offered.

  • 2002

    Course participants take part in a visit to Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina, a region devastated by recent war.

  • 2008

    Financial crisis spreads around the world in the wake of the sub-prime scandal and the collapse or bail-out of major banks across the western world. Costs for the MBA rise 30%. IMD arranges interest-free loans for the 2009 intake.

  • 2009

    Martha Maznevski becomes the first female Dean of the MBA.

  • 2013

    An intensive, two-week program of project work at 20 small and medium-sized businesses takes place in South Africa.

  • 2020

    The Covid-19 pandemic forces the closure of in-person classes between March and June. Intensive rearranging of program delivery by virtual means, plus special arrangements for partial return of in-person sessions by June, enables the cohort to complete the course within schedule.

  • 2022

    Omar Toulan takes over as program dean. Sustainability is more deeply embedded in the MBA and a strategic partnership is set up with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. New MBA Venture Award to support future entrepreneurs is announced.