Jakob Bonde Jessen is the Executive Vice President and COO at Tajco Group, a Danish company active in the automotive industry.
Originally from Denmark, Jakob’s career has taken him all over the world, including China, the USA, England, Hungary and now Slovakia.
He recently attended IMD’s Leading the Global Supply Chain and described the program as perfect for getting him up to date on the latest developments in the supply chain world. He says the program exposed him to what some of the top global companies have developed as best practice.
“Coming to IMD is great, because you find out about the latest trends at the greatest companies,” says Jakob. “IMD’s professors are connected with industry leaders, like Prof. Carlos Cordon who discusses supply chain with the top guys at LEGO for example. The faculty really know how to infuse the learning with examples that are drawn from, and applicable in, real life,” he adds.
Jakob appreciated the program format as well as its content. “The program was a great balance between group sessions, lectures and cases.”
Since Jakob was looking to find out how other leading companies manage their supply chain, his dialogue with other participants was extremely valuable. He has already been in touch with contacts he made during the program for various supply chain related projects.
For Jakob, Leading the Global Supply Chain has already paid off. He is confident that he has taken what he learned back with him to the office.
“One of the most important takeaways from the program was that I received validation about initiatives that we are running, and confirmation that we as a company are progressing in the right direction,” says Jakob.
He is also putting aside substantial time to review the material from LGSC to have maximum impact.
“This experience has been a lot more than just a week away from the office and I’m making sure to retain what I learned,” he says.
Jakob describes himself as a promoter of IMD, having already participated in programs that the school has customized for his company starting from 2008.
“I really appreciate IMD’s faculty. Professors like Carlos Cordon, Ralf Seifert, Ralf Boscheck and Seán Meehan are great at what they do and have close contacts in various industries so they really know what’s going on today,” Jakob says.
Leading the Global Supply Chain combines rigorous learning and intense interaction with your industry peers and Faculty members. You will apply diagnostic tools to your own company, analyze international case studies, carry out simulations and benchmarking exercises, and engage in wide-ranging, challenging discussions. You will also examine best practices from some of the world’s most successful global companies.