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On campus – Singapore
Discover OWP Singapore highlights

Driving Renewal and Growth at OWP Singapore

On campus – Singapore

Discover OWP Singapore highlights

Driving Renewal and Growth at OWP Singapore

5 days
SGD 15,900
Next program starts
18 November 2024

Leading for the future: Driving renewal and growth at OWP Singapore 2024

Get inspired to drive renewal and growth. Learn how to optimize the core business, and create new sources of revenue for the future. Guided by IMD expert faculty, you will explore these topics and more, benefiting from the latest insights and applied research.

Keynote speakers will motivate you to take ambitious action with their bold, compelling stories. You will deepen your learnings across industries and geographies by learning from, and connecting with, hundreds of peer executives who will join you in high-impact, highly energizing sessions. You will leave with an opportunity-rich toolkit that equips you to contribute to a better world and prosper while doing so.

Experience IMD’s Executive Learning Center, situated at Catapult in the Rochester Park area in Singapore. Enjoy state-of-the-art, immersive learning with the latest technologies. We warmly invite you and your teams to join us for five inspiring days at OWP Singapore.

Engage with world-class faculty

Enjoy the best of IMD’s academic excellence and real-world expertise from IMD’s top faculty.

Customize your experience

Match your company and personal development needs by customizing your schedule.

Join as a team

Focus on your company’s challenges and develop specific solutions at the corporate level.

Build your professional network

Each edition of OWP introduces you to a global network of over 400 leading business executives.

 - IMD Business School
NEW – Learning immersions in Singapore

Accelerate your global learning with OWP Singapore’s newest streams: Immersions. Experience insider access to top local and global companies based in Singapore. Explore Singapore’s renowned business hub first-hand.

Global with a local flavor: Understand how Singapore blends global with local. See why businesses choose Singapore to launch successful regional businesses.
A government model to follow: Discover what makes the Singapore government’s policies world class and implementable.
A dynamic solution: Get a unique view into companies helping Singapore be at the forefront of innovative and dynamic solutions.
Immediate application: Get inspired to create solutions that can be applied directly to your organization’s current requirements.

 - IMD Business School
Who you’ll meet at OWP Singapore

The fully customizable design of OWP makes it ideal for individuals and teams at all career stages and every industry. Joining as a team offers you exceptional opportunities to further tailor your experience with a custom team journey around your key corporate strategic/leadership challenges.


International executives & teams






Faculty & industry experts

Customize your week

As an individual
Pick the most relevant topics and streams to solve your challenges and drive your business forward. Take back tools and strategies that you can implement immediately.

As a team
OWP is the ideal environment for your teams to regroup, plan ahead and build highly effective collaborations. A wide range of options enable teams to work together on post-pandemic challenges and develop specific solutions at the corporate level. Team members can also work on individual development needs to effectively lead and collaborate in the new normal.

Insight sessions

Power start your day with a 1-hour insight session into a critical business issue or opportunity.


Gain in-depth knowledge of the on market opportunities and innovations that most interest you.

Special topics

Focus on a special topic such as an integrative case study, personal leadership assessment, or business simulation.

Keynote speakers

Be inspired by stories of success in challenging environments and reminded why you should never give up!


Connect with the people that matter to you and grow your network.

What’s on the OWP schedule?

IMD’s award-winning faculty will explore the latest innovations, technology trends and what these mean for you as a leader. You will learn how to make your organization better and grow as a leader. Get inspired by their latest insights, research and case studies to drive renewal and growth for you and your business.

Your week is divided into highly interactive streams, insight sessions and special topics around five themes: leading strategy, leading execution, leading stakeholders, leading people and leading self.

Get a taster of some of the exciting sessions from previous sessions below.

Insight sessions
 - IMD Business School
Quantum computing, and why you need to care

Professor Öykü Isik

What is the business case for this new paradigm of computing? Why is it so difficult to achieve success? Demystify the new frontier of computing, discuss t existing business applications, and explore what you can expect to see in the near future.

 - IMD Business School
360 XR learning theater leadership experience

Chief Officer Learning Officer, Sarah Toms

In this immersive team-based experience, play the role of a green-tech scientist stationed on a deep-sea laboratory, where your leadership, communication, collaboration, decision-making, and strategic thinking skills are put to the test. The experience will be fun, engaging and gamified, with feedback, rewards, debrief and actionable takeaways.

 - IMD Business School
All of me. Discovering the different sides of your leadership

Professor Ben Bryant

We will approach knowing yourself as a leader through the lens of role – to explore the way you show up as a leader. This includes your engagement, attitudes, and motivation, your convictions and self-doubts, your vulnerabilities and containment, and finally your sense of being authentic in role.

 - IMD Business School
Dealing with family-owned business. Asia’s movers and shakers: the impact of business families

Professor Marleen Dieleman

Most companies in Asia are owned by business families, even the largest ones. This crash course allows you to familiarize yourself quickly with the key business players in the region, learn what makes them so successful and how you can successfully engage with them.

Morning and Afternoon Streams
 - IMD Business School
How to integrate sustainability into your strategy

Professor Frédéric Dalsace

Sustainability is center stage on the agenda of many firms, but prioritizing it does not guarantee success. Many play the sustainability game poorly and face internal dissent. Discover how to leverage sustainability in your company strategy, to create a sustainable advantage with prosperity for you and society.

 - IMD Business School
How to revolutionize innovation with AI

Professors Amit Joshi and Cyril Bouquet

Gain invaluable insights into how AI is reshaping the work of designers, innovation leaders, and professionals. Immerse yourself in the latest generation of generative AI technologies and tools, and witness firsthand their potential to revolutionize problem-solving in your work and personal life.

 - IMD Business School
How to create psychological safety for your team to perform and learn

Professor Ina Toegel

One of the consistent predictors of a team’s performance is the presence of psychological safety – the shared belief that members can speak up and take risks without facing negative consequences. Explore practical ways to build psychological safety and sustain team performance.

 - IMD Business School
How to use advanced analytics and AI in digital transformation strategy to the next level

Professors Mohan Subramaniam and Amit Joshi

Do you use your data to support your products, or your products to support your data? In this stream, we will discuss the power of adding data, analytics and AI to your existing product line up and thereby create new revenues through different business models.

 - IMD Business School
How to create a world-class innovation culture

Professor Cyril Bouquet

As a senior executive, you hold a pivotal role in cultivating a culture of innovation within your organization. Many executives struggle, often resorting to superficial changes that yield no real value. Join us to overcome this challenge and create an atmosphere where innovation can truly thrive.

 - IMD Business School
How to make decisions when problems are very complex

Professor Arnaud Chevallier

Based on Prof. Chevallier’s book, Solvable, A simple solution to complex problems, discover a simple three-step process to structure how you make difficult decisions. Get concrete tools to improve your effectiveness, adapt your confidence level to the decisions you face and make decisions under time pressure.

 - IMD Business School
How to gain greater self-awareness: experiential labs with coaches

Professor Misiek Piskorski

Leadership labs allow you to become a better leader by practicing, rather than just learning about, leadership. Compete against other teams as you complete a series of hands-on assignments that require fast decision-making, negotiation, following others, time management and dealing with change. Debrief with the coach, get feedback from participants, and learn what to improve.

 - IMD Business School
How to gain greater self-awareness: experiential experiences with horses and actors

Professor Amit Joshi and Dr Robyn Wilson

The power of presence can be tangibly felt by others. In these sessions, you will get a chance to explore your presence in two contexts: one with horses, and the other with actors. Practical exercises and processes will be shared during these sessions to help you explore how to manage in the moment.

Special topics
 - IMD Business School
Sustainability transformation: separating fact from fiction

Professor Arturo Bris

The sustainability imperative widely promoted is that combining ESG objectives is possible and desirable. We will question that: (1) there is virtually no business model that does not transfer the costs of sustainability to external stakeholders; (2) there is an ongoing sustainability bubble where stock returns of sustainability are driven by demand and not change in company behavior; and (3) at the macro level, sustainability will be useless if not extremely costly.

 - IMD Business School
Managing geopolitical risks and horizon scanning for the future

Professor Omar Toulan

Geopolitical and country risk pose an increasing challenge to firms operating not only abroad but even domestically. How can we analyze these risks and best mitigate them? Furthermore, how can we best prepare ourselves for future risks and/or trends through a process of horizon scanning?

 - IMD Business School
Why do I do what I do? Purpose, identity and values in a complex world

Professor Ben Bryant

Using the mind-talk-action framework, this session invites you to challenge yourself and confront the consistencies and inconsistencies between what you say, what you believe and what you do. As leadership contexts become more complex, with multiple stakeholders, competing objectives and values, our search for a purposeful, integrated and authentic leadership is very challenging.

What participants say about OWP Singapore
 - IMD Business School
Mabel Lu

Group Vice President, Digital Ecosystem & Transformation, Danone Global, Netherlands

I chose OWP Singapore because the program is focused on developing winning performance mindsets. I was impressed by both the diversified topics and the diverse community here.

 - IMD Business School
J Paul Singh

Senior Vice President Global Account Management, ABB, Singapore

OWP Singapore is a fantastic future-facing course, bringing together the best of IMD faculty and external speakers. It gives us the tools and the knowledge to face our leadership challenges head on.

 - IMD Business School
Florence Lomaglio

Vice President Governance, Risk and Compliance, DKSH Management, Thailand

I had forgotten how refreshing and invigorating a high-quality academic environment can be. Listening to podcasts or reading books is just not the same as spending a week at OWP Singapore.

 - IMD Business School
Søren Brandi

Managing Partner, Hildebrandt & Brandi, Denmark

We came to OWP with our full management team. It’s a great team experience offering a relaxed yet professional atmosphere. You are together to do some professional learning, while you at the same time get the chance to talk about stuff that is important in your own team.

 - IMD Business School
Adelina Toader

Director, Structured Commodities Finance, ING, Switzerland

In these very uncertain times, it is extremely valuable to be able to network with such smart, brilliant people from all over the world, to interact with the faculty, and to learn the latest on what’s happening out there.

 - IMD Business School
Stephan Sibilant

Commercial Banking Relationship Manager, Absa Bank, Mauritius

OWP Singapore is a transformational experience. An eye opener helping us as leaders in developing our mindsets and understanding our own blind spots. The opportunity to meet leaders and executives from 35 countries is amazing and definitely helping me in my role.

Get the latest news and stories from OWP Singapore 2023
Beyond earth’s boundaries: a journey of innovation and leadership

Spaceship designer, serial entrepreneur, and space diplomat Susmita Mohanty has a unique vantage point on the world, having worked for space agencies and mega-corporations and co-founded three startups.

Purpose-driven innovation: discovering and designing your own odyssey

Canadian photographer, visual artist and activist Benjamin Von Wong has gained global recognition for his powerful images that carry important environmental and social messages.

Cyber resiliency: building a secure future

To safeguard your organization from persistent cyber threats, look beyond technology and focus on educating your people, says prominent cybersecurity expert and ethical hacker Jamie Woodruff.

Join an event and meet the OWP team

Join us for a masterclass or an information session and experience for yourself what IMD OWP program has to offer you, your career, and your future. You will get the opportunity to virtually meet faculty and discuss your professional challenges and aspirations with a program advisor who will help you to find the best path forward.

Next start & fee

Length: 5 days on Singapore campus

18 Nov – 22 Nov 2024
5 days
SGD 15,900
SGD 13,900 (Early bird)

Every 5th participant joins OWP for free
Tuition, teaching materials, and lunch are included.
All fees quoted are exclusive of any value-added or other indirect taxes that may be due in any country.
IMD reserves the right to modify the program dates, location, and fee at any time.