IMD business school for management and leadership courses

The Supervisory Board
Comprised of key stakeholders – including CEOs from companies with which IMD has strong learning partnerships, leaders of academic institutions, alumni, and Faculty – the IMD Foundation Board is responsible for governance at IMD, as well as ensuring the organization remains relevant to the evolving needs of the global corporate community.
Within the Foundation Board, the IMD Supervisory Board is a subset with nine members in 2023 presided over by the Chairman of the Foundation Board. The Foundation Board appoints the Supervisory Board to support, challenge, and supervise IMD’s operations more regularly.
In 2023, the IMD Supervisory Board consisted of nine members:

Michel Demaré
Chairman of the Foundation and Supervisory Boards, Chair, AstraZeneca Plc

Hanne de Mora
Vice Chairperson of Foundation and Supervisory Boards, Co-founder, a-connect Group AG

Gilbert Achermann
Chairman, Straumann Holdings AG, IMD EMBA 2000

Hana Al Rostamani
Group Chief Executive Officer, First Abu Dhabi Bank

Liselott Kilaas
Chair, Coala Life, IMD MBA 1987

Jørgen Vig Knudstorp
Executive Chair, LEGO Brand Group and Kirkbi A/S

Damien O’Brien
Non-Executive Director, Ardagh Group and Redrock Leisure Group

Woods Staton
Executive Chair, Arcos Dorados, IMD MBA 1976

Su-Mei Thompson
Chief Executive Officer, Media Trust, IMD MBA 2001