IMD Smart Certificates

IMD Smart Certificates

IMD Smart Certificates are here

Every day, thousands of individuals share and leverage their certifications for career opportunities while recruiters more than ever need a straightforward way to verify certifications. To make it easier for participants to store, access and showcase their credentials, IMD has decided to issue Smart Certificates: the leading digital stamp of trust for the world of education and employment.

What are the benefits for participants?

Every participant enrolled in an IMD program is potentially eligible to receive a Smart Certificate. With just a few clicks, participants will be able to add their Certificates directly to their LinkedIn profile and share them easily across social networks and via email.  

Recruiters and other professional contacts will be able to view a certified document with just one click, which contains key information and an electronic time stamp. Stored in a secure, web-based platform, the Certificates are also accessible anytime from anywhere. 

How do I get an IMD Smart Certificate?

On completion of one of our programs, you will be issued with an IMD Smart Certificate, which you can use in an ongoing capacity for a wide variety of professional purposes. IMD Certificates will always be available on your MyIMD account. Your Smart Certificate can be obtained by email, MyIMD, or, under certain circumstances, in class.

Participants who completed an IMD program on or after the 1st of January 2022 can obtain their certificate using Smart Certificates.

Share on LinkedIn

After completing your program, IMD will issue a Smart Certificate that can easily be shared on different platforms, including LinkedIn. Follow these steps to publish your accomplishment.

  • Log into LinkedIn and navigate to your profile
  • Scroll down to “Add a Section”
  • Select “Licenses & certifications”
  • Enter your IMD program in the “Name” field
  • Search for “IMD business school” in the “Issuing Organization” field
  • Copy your Certificate URL from certified document
  • Paste the URL to the  “Credential URL”
What is the authenticity of the Smart Certificate?

To protect against forgery and falsification, the Smart Certificate is secured with an advanced level of data encryption and signature integrating blockchain technologies. It is also fully GDPR compliant.