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Global Board Center

Helping boards reach their full potential

Global Board Center

Helping boards reach their full potential

The Global Board Center undertakes pioneering research that helps set the agenda for better board practices. We address real-world issues in a way that can be used by boards to improve their performance and play a strategic role in their organization’s success. Our research also supports our extensive portfolio of board programs.

Featured research and insights

Our research and insights help set the agenda for better board practices.

 - IMD Business School
Wrongdoing in publicly listed family- and nonfamily-owned firms: A behavioral perspective

by Smulowitz, Stephen Cossin, Didier De Massis Alfredo, and Lu Abraham Hongze, Sage Journals.

 - IMD Business School
Female board membership and stakeholder strategy: Consistency under complexity and uncertainty

by Smulowitz Malgorzata and Smulowitz Stephen, Sage Journals

 - IMD Business School
Striking the right balance on executive pay

by Smulowitz Stephen, I by IMD

Featured book

Improving and energizing your governance

High Performance Boards has inspired more than 3000 board members around the world. This book is essential reading for professionals and managers interested in governance, board members, senior managers, investors, lawyers, and students of governance.

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