The TONOMUS Global Center for Digital and AI Transformation provides world-leading research and analysis on digital transformation and prepares executives to take advantage of digital opportunities, especially AI. These insights also inform IMD’s digital and AI transformation programs for individuals and organizations.
Discover our latest research, aimed at equipping you with insights and evidence-based advice to successfully navigate your digital and AI transformation journey.

by Michael R Wade, Richard Baldwin and Benjamin Bjerkan-Wade

by Michael R Wade

by Michael R Wade and Achim Plueckebaum, I by IMD
Featured podcast
Mike & Amit Talk Tech
Award-winning IMD professors Mike Wade and Amit Joshi dissect the latest tech trends from AI and Chat GPT to the future of the web.

Featured book
GAIN: Demystifying GenAI for office and home
In their book, GAIN: Demystifying GenAI for office and home, Michael Wade and Amit Joshi argue that GenAI represents a genuine paradigm shift in technological innovation.

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to reshape industries and revolutionize the way we work, the environmental impact of AI models and data centers is coming under increasing scrutiny. The infographic “Big AI’s Dirty Secret” sheds light on the staggering levels of electricity and water consumption by major tech companies powering AI systems. Learn More.

Read our latest academic articles, which are regularly published in the world’s leading business and management journals.
We make a significant contribution to digital and AI transformation best practice through our practitioner articles.