albrecht enders professor - IMD Business School
 - IMD Business School

Albrecht Enders

Professor of Strategy and Innovation

Albrecht Enders is Professor of Strategy and Innovation. His work focuses on strategic decision making. Through his teaching, consulting, and writing, he helps companies make important strategic choices, and provides guidance on how to ensure that decision making is effective, and pitfalls are avoided.

He says leaders often fall into the trap of separating decision making from engaging with their stakeholders, only communicating, and seeking to bring stakeholders on board once they have made key strategic choices. Instead, they need to involve key stakeholders throughout the decision-making process, as this can often lead to better choices and create a sense of fair process for the people they lead.

The job of the leader is twofold: provide direction where to go and engage the people so that they want to come along.

Enders is the co-author with Arnaud Chevallier of Solvable: A Simple Solution to Complex Problems, which proposes a simple three-step process for the strategic thinking needed for complex problem solving: frame, explore, decide. They argue that it is important to avoid jumping to solutions and to work through each step of this process instead.

Framing consists of clearly specifying what the problem is and what it is not. Exploring involves an analysis of the full breadth of potential solutions, including innovative responses beyond those that are immediately obvious. And deciding then entails choosing the best available solution after weighing up all of the trade-offs involved.

In addition, Enders has been actively involved in Pathbuilder programs in which a diverse group of employees act as a sort of “shadow cabinet” and present top teams with new ideas for organizational transformation. This approach has been deployed at companies like Stora Enso and has led to impactful solutions, such as Stora Enso’s Eco School concept.

Enders has worked with a range of clients from different industries, including ABB, Agathon, Deloitte, Deutsche Bank, EHL, Siemens, Douglas Holding, Honda, ICBC, Novartis, MTR HongKong, Roland Berger, Safran, Skanska, Telenor, Thyssen Krupp, TUI, Vodafone and VTT.

He is also Co-Director of IMD’s Transition to Business Leadership (TBL) open program, served as IMD Dean of Programs and Innovation until 2020 and previously directed the Advanced Strategic Management program, precursor to the current Advanced Management Program (AMP).

His research has appeared in leading academic journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review and Research Policy and practitioner-oriented outlets including Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan Management Review, and the Financial Times.

He has also authored numerous case studies on companies such as Nestlé, Tesco, Nordea, XING and SonyBMG, and his research and case writing have been recognized by awards from the Business Policy and Strategy division of the Academy of Management, the Society for Information Management, European Foundation for Management Development and European Case Clearing House.

He is a board member of Swiss precision tool company Agathon and a founding member of the executive committee of the Enterprise for Society (E4S) sustainability initiative launched by IMD, the University of Lausanne, HEC Lausanne and EPFL.

Before joining IMD in 2009, Enders spent three years as a consultant with the Boston Consulting Group where he worked on projects relating to strategy development, reorganization and efficiency improvement in the financial services, energy, and industrial goods sectors.

Selected publications
Strategies for e-business : creating value through electronic and mobile commerce: Concepts and cases

Strategies for E-Business provides realistic and compact coverage of the key concepts linking strategy and e-business, illustrated by original case studies. Ideal for MBA students and upper level u...

Strategy General Management Technology Management
5 May 2014
Academic publications
Insight for Executives
Case study: Response to a social media attack; Nestlé faced damage to Kit Kat brand

The story. On March 17 2010, environmental group Greenpeace launched a social media attack on Nestlé's¦Kit Kat brand.¦In a YouTube video parodying the "Have a break; Have a Kit Kat" slogan, it high...

Branding Sustainability Technology Management
4 December 2012
Bright side of narcissistic CEOs

What might best be used to describe seminal business figures such as Thomas Middelhoff or Jean-Marie Messier? Quite a few, you might think - and not all of them necessarily complimentary.¦If we con...

Team Dynamics Organizational Behavior
15 November 2011
Adapt or die with technology

IT IS easy to forget that CNN, which launched 30 years ago on June 1 1980, was once revolutionary - it was the first to bring real time war coverage into our living rooms.¦In April, research firm N...

Technology Management
8 June 2010
Wie Unternehmen radikalen Wandel meistern

Gerade Unternehmen, die lange Zeit erfolgreich waren, unterschätzen oftmals die Bedrohung durch radikale Innovationen und bekommen Probleme, weil sie nicht oder zu spät reagieren. Trotz zahlreicher...

Strategy Technology Management Entrepreneurship
1 August 2009