Faculty book release – “High Performance Boards”
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Faculty book release – “High Performance Boards”

Professor Didier Cossin presents his Four Pillars of Board Effectiveness for energizing boards across all sectors.
May 2020

If governance is the art of decision-making at the top of organizations, then board members – just like the world’s best opera singers, sculptors and Bonsai gardeners – hold the key to success. But how can boards consistently hit the high notes despite unforeseen trials and tribulations?

The secret to raising a board’s bar and achieving best-in-class governance is now available in this essential volume by Professor of Governance and Founder and Director of the IMD Global Board Center, Didier Cossin.

“High Performance Boards”, Professor Cossin’s fourth non-fiction title, provides step-by-step instruction on how to meet world standards and inspire higher performance across the board.

Boards that practice good governance are a vital driver of organizational success. In addition to optimizing operations and fostering positive social impact, they achieve the ultimate goal – maximization of long-term stakeholder value.

“Good governance is make or break, especially in turbulent times,” says Cossin. “If you look at the top-20 companies that had the best governance in 2020, they are the ones that are not only succeeding but thriving, despite the current crisis.”

“High Performance Boards” highlights examples drawn from Professor Cossin’s 20 years of practice and confidential work with boards worldwide. Readers are introduced to a fictitious senior board member – an amalgamation of board members from well-known organizations – and follow her as she successfully handles real-life challenges with effective governance.

“A strong leader is great,” says Cossin, “but at the end of the day what’s important is that leader has taken the right path. Judgement is better than mere abilities.”

From NGOs to ministries of health, and sovereign wealth funds to the world’s biggest multinationals, all organizations can benefit from applying Cossin’s Four Pillars system to their boards. His expert techniques are especially relevant for progressive organizations that favor sustainability and a socially responsible approach.

“Governance is at the heart of all social responsibility for long-term business performance,” insists Cossin. “It’s the key to success – for companies, for our planet and for the human race.”

With contemporary challenges that dwarf those of old, today’s board members, senior managers, investors, lawyers and students of governance have never needed this bible of board excellence more than they do right now.


To discover more about the book, click here.

To purchase “High Performance Boards”, click here.