Jubilee Enterprises of Thailand: Growing through insights
Unyarat Pornprakit (Unya) is the youthful chief executive officer of Jubilee Enterprise PLC, a diamond jewelry retailer. Since Unya became CEO in 2008, she has expanded the chain to 128 stores and grown the revenue to $400 million. She has managed to deliver record earnings for 12 straight years. Unya’s father began the process of professionalizing and standardizing Jubilee Enterprises and diamond jewelry retail in Thailand. He introduced standardized pricing, store design and store-in-store concepts. Unya took standardization to a new level but with an eye to customer experience. She focused on employee training and new store concepts such as “islands” for freer customer interactions. Although she has been using data for a long time, she is now institutionalizing its use to manage the firm. Every morning her regional managers receive a report with her personal suggestions on what to do. She is also using data from in-store cameras to monitor the activities of salespeople and use data from the video feed to train salespeople. Will her managers and store employees accept such direction?
- Building customer trust by standardizing operating processes
- Creating customer experiences to differentiate
- Using data from a variety of sources (camera feeds, store sales) to improve the operations of a store
Jubilee Enterprises, Consumer Goods, Luxury Goods and Jewelry
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in Journal of Family Business Strategy 28 November 2024, ePub before print, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfbs.2024.100646
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Case reference: IMD-7-2514 ©2024
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Case reference: IMD-7-2515 ©2024
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