
The Right Place

How National Competitiveness Makes or Breaks Companies
492 pages

Enormously ambitious, wide-ranging and filled with insights. A marvellous and
impressive book that makes you re-think how and why businesses thrive (and fail).

Peter Frankopan Professor of Global History, Oxford University

There is no silver bullet for competitiveness. Many books promise quick fixes, but
the wisdom in this new book by Arturo Bris is taking an ecosystem approach. This
is the holistic roadmap emerging markets need to catch the next waves of productivity
and globalization.

Dr. Parag Khanna Managing partner of FutureMap and author of Connectography

Arturo Bris is the superstar of country competitiveness. Over the years we have
enjoyed his annual reports and rankings on the competetiveness of nations around
the globe. In this seminal book he shows us why it matters for business. A warm
recommendation to anyone interested in decision-making beyond the state and
survival strategies of companies.

Alexander Stubb Professor and Director, European University Institute

Why do similar firms succeed in one country but fail in another, irrespective of their strategic choices?

Competition and macroeconomics expert, Prof. Arturo Bris, believes that a country’s economic success and national competitiveness is not unlike a cycling race. If you want to ride fast, you need three things: a good bike, to be in good shape, and a smooth and fast road. You might say the business is the bicycle, the business leader is the cyclist, and the road is the government and the external environment. The responsibility of a government is to design and build the best possible road. And it turns out that when the road is good, good cyclists suddenly appear and want to race on it.

In his new book, The Right Place, Arturo Bris provides an analysis of countries’ competitive performance based on 30 years advising governments and institutions around the world on this topic. The typical mistakes that countries make are highlighted, while the pillars necessary to build a truly competitive economy are revealed to provide a roadmap for government organisations to follow.

Bris suggests potential initiatives that governments can implement to help the private sector create jobs, support small businesses, nurture innovation, attract talent, and other steps to help make their countries more prosperous. He draws on fascinating real-life case studies, from the rebranding of Thailand and Israel’s move to become a start-up hub, to Norway’s gender equality efforts and Bhutan measuring itself on Gross National Happiness. The book provides an illuminating read for politicians, government institutions, and students of macroeconomics, while giving invaluable insights for business leaders to give themselves the best possible chance of success in their macroeconomic environment.


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World Competitiveness Center

You can also buy the book on Barnes & Nobles, Book Depository, Orell Füssli and Routledge.

 - IMD Business School
Prof Arturo Bris
Professor of Finance and Director at IMD World Competitiveness Center

Arturo Bris is Professor of Finance at IMD. Since January 2014 he is also leading the world-renowned IMD World Competitiveness Center.

At IMD he directed the Advanced Strategic Management program from 2009-2014. He has…

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