Case Study

Sunwind A.B. (A)

22 pages
April 1988
Reference: IMD-6-0132

Sunwind A.B. supplies interior trim (floor-lids) to Volvo Car company from its Sdve plant. The newly appointed Managing Director is faced with capacity and quality problems on one hand and plant closure on the other. he is convinced that the successful implementation of the just-in-time, sequenced delivery of floor lids directly onto Volvo’s 700 series assembly line at its Torslanda plant, only 8km distant, would guarantee not only the viability of the Sdve plant but also provide Sunwind with a sorely needed competitive advantage within Sweden’s car trim industry. Participants are asked to develop an action plan for implementing the just-in-time sequence delivery of floor lids to Volvo. This requires the analysis of current operations and making recommendations for change consistent with the just-in-time approach.

Just-in-time Production, Automotive, Production Management, Operations Management
Field Research
© 1988
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This case study is part of a series
  • Sunwind A.B. (A)
  • Sunwind A.B. (C)
1991 ECCH AWARD WINNER (Production & Operations Management)
Best-selling Case Study
This case study is part of a series
  • Sunwind A.B. (A)
  • Sunwind A.B. (C)
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Sunwind A.B. (A)
By Robert S. Collins
Case reference: IMD-6-0132 ©1988
Sunwind A.B. supplies interior trim (floor-lids) to Volvo Car company from its Sdve plant. The newly appointed Managing Director is faced with capa...
1991 ECCH AWARD WINNER (Production & Operations Management)
Reference IMD-6-0132
Copyright ©1988
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Sunwind A.B. (C)
By Robert S. Collins
Case reference: IMD-6-0135 ©1988
The case is a sequel to the Sunwind AB (A) case. It describes the actions taken between November 1985 and August 1987 to implement the just-in-time sequenced delivery of floor lids directly onto Volvo's 700 series assembly line at its Torslanda plant. It also documents the results achieved. An unresolved issue is how Sunwind AB can capitalize on the changes that have been made and the potential that exists for further improvement. The focus moves from Sunwind as a just-in-time supplier to Sunwind as a just-in-time manufacturer.
Reference IMD-6-0135
Copyright ©1988
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications