The goal of this fieldbook is to provide you with support in executing and ensuring change around the initiative that you or your team is in charge of.
Over the last couple of years of our work with individuals and teams responsible for implementing strategic change, these frameworks have been used successfully in the midst of change. They are built around a set of building blocks for implementing strategic change. This is not an exhaustive list, but a useful support that allows you to reflect and to progress your initiative.
The frameworks are structured around 12 guiding questions that are relevant during the implementation of strategic change.
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Here are three strategic lessons from the tramp shipping industry.
Why the market for new year predictions is broken and how executives can better use forecasts to discern the implications for their companies.
Strategic thinking is key to success. Overcome common excuses and develop the skills to navigate change, drive innovation, and prepare for future business challenges.
The increasing pace of disruption and change means leaders need to cultivate behaviors that support their sustained success. From building strategic flexibility to broadening stakeholder connections, here is our expert guide to leading in an age o...
By 2025, Gen Z will shape the workforce. They seek purpose, flexibility, and work-life balance, making startups and large companies adapt to their unique needs.
Officially, brands executives continue to display confidence that big luxury will shrug off the 2024 downturn as a cyclical one. They see it as the product of the combined collapse of real estate prices in China and a return to normalcy after the ...
Alex Reinhardt was brought in to turn around a renewable-energy company that had been on the verge of bankruptcy until the German government bailed it out. After he fainted from overwork and burnout and had to take a medical leave, the board appoi...
Did our predictions for 2024 come true, a turbulent election year, bitcoin and CBDC, COP29 and electric cars, China, EU integration and Euro football
In a world where change is the only constant, the strategic imperative for sustainability is not just a theoretical construct – it’s a call to action. This section of the book delves into the core strategies that will enable businesses to thrive i...
As any executive will tell you, moral suasion will not convince most companies to commit to sustainability. Even major long-term threats will not do it. Companies need positive reasons to undertake significant investments. Fortunately, sustainabil...
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in I by IMD 8 January 2025
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in I by IMD
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in Binder, Julia Katharina (Ed.); Haanaes, Knut Bjarne (Ed.) / Leading the sustainable business transformation: A playbook from IMD, pp. 59-62 / Hoboken: Wiley, 2025
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in Binder, Julia Katharina (Ed.); Haanaes, Knut Bjarne (Ed.) / Leading the sustainable business transformation: A playbook from IMD, pp. 33-45 / Hoboken: Wiley, 2025
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