
Smarter Execution

Seven steps to getting results
158 pages
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Two strategic initiatives out of three fail. They are actually a huge challenge for “more-of-the-same, better-and-better”, companies. Indeed, their cross-organization scope violates all principles of silo efficiency. Strategic initiatives are precisely not “more of the same.”

Smarter Execution identifies seven key steps that managers need to get to grips with if they are to reap the full benefits of their strategic initiatives:

  • Focus first – less is more
  • Pick the best possible team – don’t compromise
  • Set the course – learn to navigate to a destination that is not yet fully defined
  • Set up to win – there is no “commitment switch”: it starts with you
  • Think it through – rehearse mentally each next step, leaving no stone unturned
  • Get all aboard – it’s about getting people to change the way they work
  • Follow through – to learn on the go.

The authors, Xavier Gilbert, Bettina Büchel, and Rhoda Davidson, have been working with several hundred executives to help them execute their strategic initiatives. Time and again, they have seen how these seemingly common-sense insights were actually unexpectedly difficult to apply in most “efficient” organizations.


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This book is part of a series
  • Erfolgreiche Umsetzung strategischer Initiativen: Sieben Erkenntnisse zur Überwindung der häufigsten Hürden
  • Smarter execution: Seven steps to getting results
This book is part of a series
  • Erfolgreiche Umsetzung strategischer Initiativen: Sieben Erkenntnisse zur Überwindung der häufigsten Hürden
  • Smarter execution: Seven steps to getting results

You can also buy the book on Barnes & Nobles, Book Depository, Orell Füssli and Routledge.

B. Büchel, X. Gilbert and R. Davidson
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Erfolgreiche Umsetzung strategischer Initiativen: Sieben Erkenntnisse zur Überwindung der häufigsten Hürden
By Xavier Gilbert Bettina Büchel and Rhoda Davidson
Published by Gabler ©2010
Two strategic initiatives out of three fail. They are actually a huge challenge for more-of-the-same, better-and-better , companies. Indeed, their cross-organization scope violates all principles of silo efficiency. Strategic initiatives are precisely not more of the same. This book identifies seven key steps that managers need to get to grips with if they are to reap the full benefits of their strategic initiatives: Focus first - less is more Pick the best possible team - don't compromise Set the course - learn to navigate to a destination that is not yet fully defined Set up to win - there is no commitment switch : it starts with you Think it through - rehearse mentally each next step, leaving no stone unturned Get all aboard - it's about getting people to change the way they work Follow through - to learn on the go.
Copyright ©2010
Copyright owner External Copyright
Available Languages German

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Smarter execution: Seven steps to getting results
By Xavier Gilbert Bettina Büchel and Rhoda Davidson
Published by Financial Times Prentice Hall ©2008
Two strategic initiatives out of three fail. They are actually a huge challenge for more-of-the-same, better-and-better , companies. Indeed, their ...
Copyright ©2008
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications