Case Study

Matas (A): Will the Danish retailer’s transformation ignite growth?

15 pages
October 2021
Reference: IMD-7-2249

This case details the struggles of a traditional retailer (Matas) wrestling with the changing retail landscape. The Matas management team recognizes that the company’s offline retail business is under serious pressure. Top-line growth has flattened, and bottom-line profitability has declined. The online market is expanding rapidly but is a tiny portion of the business. The team is aware that the company needs to grow the online business. However, this shift will be financially difficult because the margins for the online business are near zero and it represents less than 3% of total business. As the market leaders, whatever Matas management chooses to do will inevitably affect its core “in-store” business. The company needs the cashflow from the in-store business to pay dividends to investors. In this situation, the new CEO sets out three priorities (i) reignite store growth, (ii) build new growth paths, and (iii) grow online. Investors are unhappy with this direction and the stock has sunk to an all-time low. The question is whether this new strategy will enable Matas to survive or transform?

Learning Objective
  • Demonstrate the difficulties in changing a corporate strategy despite an observed need to do so
  • Learn the difference between online and offline business models and the operations, skills, investment and metrics that lead to success.
Strategy Development, Execution, Transformation, Digital Transformation, Retail, Online Sales, Online Shopping, eCommerce, Strategy Deployment, Strategy
Matas, Consumer Services, Retail
Field Research
© 2021
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This case study is part of a series
  • Matas (A): Will the Danish retailer’s transformation ignite growth?
  • Matas (B): Will its digital transformation strategy succeed?
KPI Project
This case study is part of a series
  • Matas (A): Will the Danish retailer’s transformation ignite growth?
  • Matas (B): Will its digital transformation strategy succeed?
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Matas (A): Will the Danish retailer’s transformation ignite growth?
By Goutam Challagalla and Philip Charles Zerrillo
Case reference: IMD-7-2249 ©2021
This case details the struggles of a traditional retailer (Matas) wrestling with the changing retail landscape. The Matas management team recognize...
Reference IMD-7-2249
Copyright ©2021
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Matas
Industry Consumer Services, Retail
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications

Matas (B): Will its digital transformation strategy succeed?
By Goutam Challagalla and Philip Charles Zerrillo
Case reference: IMD-7-2287 ©2021
Case B presents the choices the company made and the execution issues it confronted. It shows that the CEO put online revenue growth at the center ...
Reference IMD-7-2287
Copyright ©2021
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Matas
Industry Consumer Services, Retail
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications