Scottish Courage Limited (A): John Dunsmore’s first week
This three part case series takes a close look at the activities of a newly appointed senior general manager during the first six months in his new job. The questions it addresses are fundamental. If, for example, as the new boss suspects, the strategy of the business needs to change in a very fundamental way, how should he decide if he is correct, and then go about making the change happen? How much should he trust the judgment of his new direct reports? And how tough should he be about demanding performance from them? Even as he considers these basic questions, a major supply chain crisis erupts, and then an acquisition opportunity arises that both his boss, the Chairman of parent company Scottish and Newcastle, and his direct reports, think is a good idea. What stance should he take? Scottish Courage is the UK’s largest brewer, producing such beers as Foster’s, John Smith’s, and Kronenbourg 1664. It is the largest unit within Scottish and Newcastle, a major European brewer based in Scotland.
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#post_excerptHannele Jakosuo-Jansson of Neste and Finnair shared key insights on board roles in CEO transitions and culture shifts with IMD’s High Performance Boards program.

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The CO-RO Group is a manufacturer of fruit-based still drinks, concentrates and ambient ice (home-freeze popsicles) headquartered in Denmark. Although production takes place in Denmark, most of its products are sold internationally, with the compa...
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The board of Nestlé S.A. announced that Anna Mohl would become the CEO of Nestlé Health Science (NHSc) — a global leader in nutritional science — on 1 January 2024. She was delighted to hear about her new position but knew there was little time to...

Are you struggling to lead successfully in the face of relentless disruption and uncertainty? Now’s the time to master the art of strategic thinking, starting with these six key skills.
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Case reference: IMD-7-2636 ©2025
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