Leading for systems change: Peter Bakker and the WBCSD
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) is a network of 250 multinational companies collaborating to achieve Vision2050 ¬– a plan for a world where nine billion people can live well within the limits of the planet. WBCSD sets an ambitious agenda along three imperatives – climate, equity and nature action. The CEO of WBCSD, Peter Bakker, is known for his ambition to drive action at a fast rate. However, moving the agenda too fast risks losing some companies. This case evaluates how Bakker can drive change at the rate needed and his strategy to do so.
- Understand the evolution of the WBCSD and its current platform for action, Vision2050
- Analyze a leadership dilemma for sustainable systems change
World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Philanthropy, Non-profit Organizations Management
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