Wise Wealth
Creating wealth is difficult. So is managing wealth effectively. Losing wealth is the easiest part. It takes an enlightened approach to understand the future issues and to prepare and plan for the benefit of the next generations.
Wise Wealth provides the reader with broad and deep insights into relevant aspects of private wealth and, most importantly, its continuity. It uses pragmatic frameworks and proven concepts from advanced family business research and contains significant new work on the growing field of family offices.
The four authors combine their personal, academic and professional experiences to enable the reader to learn from the most common mistakes and from the most successful entrepreneurs, family businesses and family offices. This book will be of interest to entrepreneurs and family businesses as well as to a wider audience of individuals with private wealth and the large number of service providers that act on their behalf such as bankers, lawyers, consultants and educators.
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You can also buy the book on Barnes & Nobles, Book Depository, Orell Füssli and Routledge.
An easy-to-use tool can help executives assess and manage the impact of stakeholders on the creation and destruction of value.
Medical experts have long warned about alcohol's risks, and now the drinks industry is embracing sobriety, investing in innovative alcohol-free drinks alternatives.
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CEO Manuel Reman blends Krug's tradition with innovation, fostering deeper connections with global audiences and emphasizing authenticity to keep the champagne house relevant amid shifting tastes and sustainability challenges.
The implications of generative AI for "knowledge" work are more profound than many of us might think. Organizations need to wake up.
As campaign disasters at Apple, Bud Light, and Jaguar demonstrate, boards shy away from marketing oversight at their peril.
Being able to think strategically is key to addressing the ever-increasing demands on leaders – but it's easier said than done. Here are four key capabilities that will help you succeed in turbulent times.
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Five friends created DIDA in 1983 and turned it into a global provider of IT infrastructure and services. Riding the wave of rapid growth of communication networks and increasingly global business relationships of corporations, DIDA established it...
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in I by IMD 31 January 2025
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Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications
in I by IMD 28 January 2025
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in I by IMD Brain Circuits 28 January 2025
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NTT Corporation, Japan’s information and communication technologies (ICT) leader since 1953, was the first to commercialize internet usage on mobile phones in the 1990s, which resulted in NTT achieving much success in Japan. However, by the end of...
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