Case Study

ABB and Caterpillar (B): The renaissance

8 pages
August 2007
Reference: IMD-3-1853

This case series explores the issues faced by the key account manager appointed to handle one of the company’s major accounts, but one that is just about to walk out the door. The cases demonstrate efforts to turn the situation around, including improved knowledge of the client’s business and industry, cross-company team building, and a governance process for continual improvement.

Learning objective: The learning objective is to demonstrate how key account management can be the most productive way to increase sales and profits: sell more to existing customers. This requires well coordinated and sometimes difficult actions from the business units and divisions. The case emphasizes the need for the whole team, and not just the key account manager, to invest time in building relationships with the client and become more customer-centric. There are some interesting issues as to who should make decisions, have power, and where the P&L should reside. These depend, in the end, on the history and culture of the organization.

Learning Objective

The learning objective is to demonstrate how key account management can be the most productive way to increase sales and profits: sell more to existing customers. This requires well coordinated and sometimes difficult actions from the business units and divisions. The case emphasizes the need for the whole team, and not just the key account manager, to invest time in building relationships with the client and become more customer-centric. There are some interesting issues as to who should make decisions, have power, and where the P&L should reside. These depend, in the end, on the history and culture of the organization.

Client Relationship Management, Cross-company Team Building, Customer Satisfaction, Engineering, General Management, Intrapreneurship, Key Account Management
Asea Brown Boveri
Field Research
© 2007
Available Languages
English, Spanish
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This case study is part of a series
  • ABB and Caterpillar (A): Key account management
  • ABB and Caterpillar (B): The renaissance
  • ABB and Caterpillar (C): Traction motors
Best-selling Case Study
This case study is part of a series
  • ABB and Caterpillar (A): Key account management
  • ABB and Caterpillar (B): The renaissance
  • ABB and Caterpillar (C): Traction motors
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ABB and Caterpillar (A): Key account management
By Winter Nie Thomas E. Vollmann and Inna Francis
Case reference: IMD-3-1852 ©2007
This case series explores the issues faced by the key account manager appointed to handle one of the company’s major accounts, but one that is just...
Best-selling Case Study
Reference IMD-3-1852
Copyright ©2007
Copyright owner IMD Copyright
Organization Asea Brown Boveri
Available Languages English

Research Information & Knowledge Hub for additional information on IMD publications